Black Girl In Budapest

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You Don't Need a Car in Budapest Thanks To e-Car Sharing!

When moving from the states, I was sad about selling my car. In Budapest, I quickly forgot about oil changes, car registration and going to get gas. I was able to get around the city by public transport and it was so easy. But I found myself needing a car once in a while, and that’s when I found the e-carsharing service

With the app, I was able to find a car within walking distance from where I was standing. I would put in my pin code and hop in and go. It was so easy. You do have to go into the office for the initial registration, where they scan your license.

When I first moved here doing IKEA runs was made easy, as I would take the metro to IKEA. have my husband wait with the cart after checkout and then I would walk a block or 2 to get a car. We would drive home. It was always less than a taxi and even less than having IKEA deliver it to us.

On average a ride to a destination is often about 15 mins. It’s more of a point a to point b service. The cars are electric so you don’t have to worry about gas.

Also, the company has an initiative with the city, so parking is free where parking is available. I love this service.

To receive free minutes of driving time, click the link to register