Black Girl In Budapest
Black Girl In Budapest



In an interview with Travel Noire,  the two women discussed their motivation behind The Budapest Experience and debunked some myths about Budapest:  

Spoiler Alert: There’s a Black community in Budapest.

Budapest: history, fine art, classical music and umm… black culture?

Meet Starr. Born and raised in the US, she fell in love with a Hungarian guy in LA, and from there they decided to relocate to her husband’s home country. Finding little information on relocating to Budapest, and even less about the black culture there, she founded her blog, Black Girl in Budapest.

Here she shares her tips on life in the Pearl of the Danube:


Huffington Post - Interview

The role and identity of a parent differs in many ways around the globe.

So for Mother’s Day, HuffPost chatted with a handful of American moms who are either currently living abroad or who have lived abroad while raising kids to see what they learned about motherhood traditions and what surprised them about parenting in different parts of the world.



Egy fiatal, fekete nő, Starr Varga valamivel több mint egy éve él Budapesten, az élményeiről pedig blogot vezet. Ezekből van is neki bőven, hiszen nemcsak több ezer kilométerre költözött az otthonától, hanem itt született a gyereke is. Így ő nem egyike azoknak a külföldieknek, akik munka miatt érkeznek Budapestre, hanem kifejezetten élni, családot alapítani jött ide. Starr egyébként távmunkában egy Los Angeles-i cégnek dolgozik, ám szabadidejében hasznos tippekkel látja el a Magyarországra látogató külföldieket a Black Girl in Budapest, azaz egy fekete lány Budapesten nevű blogján. 

Translated: A young black woman, Starr Varga, has been living in Budapest for just over a year and has a blog about her experiences. He has plenty of these, as he moved not only thousands of miles from his home, but his child was born here as well. Thus, he is not one of those foreigners who come to Budapest for work, but to live explicitly, he has come up with a family. Starr, however, works teleworking for a Los Angeles company, but in his free time, he has some helpful tips for visiting foreigners visiting Hungary at Black Girl in Budapest, a black girl in Budapest.


Expat Arrivals - Interview

"Starr Varga, an American woman living in Hungary, moved to Budapest with her husband in 2017. Since then they've travelled extensively through both Europe and Hungary. 

Working from her laptop, Starr can be found walking through the romantic Budapest streets or brunching in corner cafés. Read more about her exuberant and adventurous lifestyle on her blog, Black Girl in Budapest. Her blog is also a meticulously detailed guide for those seeking to visit or live in Budapest. For the more visually-minded, Starr also runs an Instagram account." 

rogue habits -Article

Think You Can’t Quit Your Job to Travel? Here’s How Three Women Did It.

"Starr, who runs the blog Black Girl in Budapest, didn’t even need to change her career when she decided to travel. Because so many companies are learning about the benefits of a remote workplace—including employee satisfaction and lower overhead costs—she continued her career with a company back in the US."

RTL KLUB (TV) “Fokusz”

Starr Varga férje miatt költözött Magyarországra, ideérkezése után nem sokkal blogot indított, és belevetette magát az élményekbe. Hitvallása, hogy csak úgy tud hitelesen írni a magyaros életvitelről, ha maga is részese annak, ezért igyekszik minél több mindent kipróbálni.

Translated: Starr moved to Hungary for the husband of Varga, and soon after she arrived, she started blogging and dived into the experiences. Her belief is that she can only credibly write about Hungarian lifestyle, even if she is a part of it, so she tries to experiment as much as possible.