Being Black in Budapest

Moving to Budapest brought up so many questions about being black in Budapest. Will they have foundation in my skin tone? Will they have black hair stylists?  And how will I be treated as a minority? 

Budapest, Hungary is considered an Eastern European country, and they say the further east you go in Europe, the less black people you will see. And this definitely rings true!  

There is this feeling that I get when I see a person of ethnicity or of color, I tend to wave and say hey... just because that's the black thing to do! Remember that head nod episode from Blackish? That's me all the way!

I'm from California and people come in every shade, culture and background. Hey, I'm not only a black girl in Budapest, I'm also half Puerto Rican. Don't let the blog name fool ya! What I'm saying is, for me in life it's not about color. It's about loving one another's differences, and bringing it all together. 

For example, I went on an errand with my cousin-in-law around the city center and he asked me, how I handle all the looks that I receive? He noticed, more than I did, because at this point I'm getting used to the looks. I told him that it doesn't bother me. People are interested for many reasons but what do I care? As long as it's not a look of hate!  

I recently got asked on my Instagram by a follower if I had experienced any racism, and from my experience in Budapest, NO! Lets be real there are racist people all over the world but I hadn't experienced it. 

Screenshot from Instagram. Excuse the typo's on both parts!

The people of Budapest are kind and curious, and tourism brings people from all over the world. The city center has tons of people speaking English and various other languages for that matter. That's what I love about this city, it's thriving on its own, and with cool ruin pubs and vegan festivals, this city is screaming to be culturfied. 

Anyway, I love this city. Don't get me wrong, it's the double takes that crack me up, or the old lady confused as to why she keeps seeing me in her local bakery that makes me smile. Move over granny, black girl in Budapest is here to stay!